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Alist Nation
Jun 5, 2019
Salad comes 1st
Starting a meal with a salad is never a bad idea. Restaurants don’t mind since they are fast to make and can keep you occupied while your...
Alist Nation
Apr 3, 2019
The Breakfast Debate: 1st meal of the day counts
Breakfast is the meal that breaks the fast from the night before. There’s an associated typical or traditional line up of foods we think...
Alist Nation
Feb 18, 2019
Tortilla Chips: Can you only have a few??
This snack food made from corn tortillas is a favorite crunch for many to consume, especially during football season. These wedges are...
Alist Nation
Dec 27, 2018
The Reason "Not Eating" Isn't Weight Loss Effective
As the new year approaches, the onset of diet talk sets in. You have read up on which type you want to do and have tried countless others...
Alist Nation
Dec 8, 2018
Relationships: Do's & Don'ts during your fitness journey
Whatever the goal(s) of your fitness journey, the adventure is mental and emotional. To succeed, certain behaviors, priorities, and...
Alist Nation
Oct 26, 2018
CALORIES: No need for a receipt, they always count
We have to eat to live. Food is a necessity and with its consumption comes constant decision making. Consider how many times per day you...
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