Writers - Contributors - Glam Team - Photographers
​Have you always wanted to be part a magazine Team? Do you dream about having your work published?

Nation-Alist magazine is seeking contributors for 2018. We are looking for people with strong creative skills and an eagerness to learn. The ideal candidate is a self-starter who’s undaunted by deadlines, organized, adept at multi-tasking and motivated by the opportunity to be an integral part of a growing publication.
Glam team
Film making
​Graphic design
Social Media
Must be 18 years old

If you would like to submit a story, feature, review, or editorial
please email us at:
Contribute articles, interviews, dining reviews, features, Editorials.
Pitch story ideas.
Our contributors can be seasoned writers or just starting out. Get to see your work published and build your portfolio.
Must be 18 years old or have your parents permission

Nation-Alist is looking to build an Events team in every major city in America.
Join the team and let everyone you know about Nation-Alist.
Help put together fun events across the USA
Must be 18 years old
If you would like to be a Contributors contact us and let us know what topics you would like to write about. We cover the following topics:
Men's and Women's Fashion
Beauty- Makeup-hair-skincare
Travel within the USA