Alist Nation Magazine June 2022
Cover Story Ava Kolker
Fashion Editor Jazmin Whitley
Photographer Susie Q

Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m 15 and I'm an actress, singer, and influencer! I have been acting for 11 years and I have 6 songs out currently ! When did you begin acting and singing: I began acting when I was 4 years old and I began singing about 3 years ago. I went to musical theatre when I was younger and I think that sparked my love for music :)

What is one of your most memorable moments in your career so far?
I would say doing my wand ID for Disney Channel was definitely an amazing moment for me. Saying “I’m Ava Kolker and you’re watching Disney Channel” was a dream of mine ever since I was young! This was definitely a moment of pure pride and happiness.

What is your favorite social media app?
My favorite social media app is definitely TikTok! I love to make TikTok’s with my friends and family, and I can also watch TikTok for hours haha.

Where is your favorite place to travel?
I have been lucky to enough to travel to so many beautiful places, but I am so excited to travel to Europe in the future! My favorite place I have already traveled to would have to be Cabo. It’s like my second home!

Tell us about your music.
My music has a current pop feel, kind of like Ariana Grande or Billie Eilish. All of my songs have an authentic message in them and that has always been the most important part to me!
Who would you love to collab with?
I would LOVE to collaborate with Billie Eilish as I feel like we could write some really beautiful music together. I also love the way her voice is so pure and clear in all of her songs! That’s exactly what I like to do in my music as well.

Who do you look up to?
My idol is definitely Lady Gaga. Not only is she an UNBELIEVABLE singer, but also proved herself as an amazing actress. She is so apologetically herself and I aspire to be that way :)
Do you have any plans for 4th of July or this summer?
Yes! I have some friends flying out to stay with my family and I, and we will probably throw a party at our house with our friends and family.
