Lexy Kolker
Teen Alist Magazine June 2022
Photographer Susie Q
Fashion Editor Jazmin Whitley

Tell us a little about yourself. I’m an actress and love anything creative and challenging.
What was your first acting role?
My first role was when I was 5 years old, I played Tatiana Taylor on criminal minds. Tatiana was a little girl who loved ballet and unfortunately got kidnapped from her dad's car while he was sleeping and murdered. I remember my sister Ava cried when we watched the episode even though she knew it was just acting but it hit her pretty hard. I loved the experience! Everyone was great on the show!

What are your favorite shows right now?
I would say the 100, All American and Vampire Diaries right now.
Where is your favorite place to shop?
Definitely PacSun and Garage.

Tell us about any projects your
working on.
Right now, I have a movie called manifest west that is going to festivals and it just won best genre feature film at the mammoth film festival so I am very proud of that! There is also something else in the works but I can’t talk about it yet.
Who is your favorite singer at the moment?
Definitely Doja Cat! Love her songs and her energy and would love love love to see her in concert.
Do you have any plans for this summer?
Yeah, we're going to go to Cabo and Lake Arrowhead and maybe Palm Desert and Paso Robles!!! Should be a fun summer!
