TEEN Alist January 2021
Cover Story Lilia Buckingham
Shot by Susie Q @photosbtJJS
Wardrobe Stylist @jazminwhitley
We are excited about your new book “Influence”, tell us about the journey of writing a book.
It was an incredible experience. It was the summer of 2017, and I remember finishing a book in the Hamptons. The writing was phenomenal and really inspired me. I kept thinking about stories that I wanted to write, and one of them was a murder mystery set in the influencer world. I talked to a couple of people about it and ended up developing some characters. From there, I pitched the idea to Sara, and she said she wanted to co-write it with me! We came up with an outline and then started passing pages back and forth. Getting to learn from her was an insane and amazing experience.
What was the most challenging part of writing “Influence"?
Definitely learning how to edit Sara’s pages. I think everything she does is perfect, and she’s one of my writing inspirations. Having to edit her pages and learn how to insert my voice into hers took me some time to get used to!

Do you have a favorite chapter in the book?
Jasmine’s last chapter, or the one where she snaps at her sister. Both chapters hit super close to home and were incredibly personal to write. They portray authentic emotions, and I think people will be able to see themselves in Jasmine in these chapters. I definitely could.
We love watching you play Heather in the series “Crown Lake” are you and Heather anything alike?
Heather is incredibly manipulative, and I’d say I’m the opposite. I’m super oblivious to things and hate drama. Heather LIVES off of drama, and everything she does is calculated. So, I’m going to say we couldn’t be more different!

What is your favorite thing about being in Brat productions?
Brat has introduced me to some of my best friends. I got to work on so many different shows with so many different cast and crews. It gave me the opportunity to really explore my character “Autumn” while also getting to meet so many incredible new people!
This year is finally coming to an end, what have you learned about yourself in 2020?
I’ve learned that I need to cherish my time with my friends and the ability to get to go out! Quarantine was tough because I’m super extroverted and love being around people. Going out and having things to look forward to made life super exciting for me before quarantine, so I had to learn how to adjust my mindset. I had to learn how to focus on the little things to look forward to!
You have so many amazing projects for 2021 tell us a little about each one and what they mean to you.
Oh, this is so tough! Some of them are top secret. I have a short film that I acted in coming out that could maybe….turn into something more. Some more “Influence” stuff is in the works, but I can’t say much about that. I’m sorry this is such a lame answer!
What's your favorite food?
I’ve been on a chicken caesar salad kick lately. I could literally eat it for every meal.

What's your favorite place to shop?
I love thrifting! Stores like Goodwill and American Vintage have great stuff.
Where is your favorite place to travel?
Greece! It’s absolutely beautiful.
Your favorite social media app?
Pinterest! It’s very calming.
Where should our readers keep up with you.
They can follow me on instagram @lilia and on twitter @buckinghamlilia !
